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Including patients in protocol development.

How Praxis supports protocol development using patients.

The use of patients to influence protocols has been a focus in our industry for many years. An investment in the use of patient insights during the protocol development phase has the potential not only to save time and money in the future, but also to bring about a more patient-friendly experience (and the benefits that come with it). Here’s how Praxis provides the extra bandwidth to find patients and conduct protocol feasibility during this critical stage of a clinical trial.

Finding patients.

First, Praxis works with sponsors to build a patient profile, which helps us identify the ideal patients to ask for feedback on the protocol at hand. We then employ our in-house analytics team to find these ideal patients through a panel that consists of more than 90 million potential global respondents.

We might also engage our in-house outreach manager, whose primary responsibility is to build relationships with advocacy organizations and online influencers. Patients actively engaged in these spaces are often interested in medical progress for their condition, making these channels another smart place to find our ideal protocol feasibility respondents.

Gaining insights.

Our in-house analytics department conducts primary qualitative research in the form of in-depth interviews, focus groups, and regional online surveys to receive feedback from patients about a given topic.

These detailed patient insights can be used to provide a deeper understanding of a patient’s thoughts and perceptions regarding their relationship to their condition, medical journey, and willingness to participate in clinical trial research. This valuable data can help sponsors identify potential barriers to enrollment or study completion, which, when addressed early, can save time and money in the long run.

If you are interested in learning more about how Praxis can support protocol development, get in touch with us.